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Hey! Thanks for visiting. I am super excited about how the site is going and the things I have planned for the future. But first lets talk about this section, the blog. I want the blog to be a way that you and I can chat about the site, about the articles, the direction, and … Continued
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My Side of the Mountain - my first real memory of wanting to learn self-reliance and survival skills brought to me by a fantastic book.
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Howdy hey, campers! This week’s blog post is all about survival-related misconceptions, or, to be more specific, stuff that the pop culture wizards in Hollywood would have you believe is accurate, but totally isn’t. In fact, if you follow their advice in a survival situation, it can kill you. Now, I’m not saying no one … Continued
SOC Bags are built to last. No matter what you are looking for SOC has you covered. Here is a review of the top bags to choose from.
72 Hour Bags are designed to keep you safe and secure for 72 hours in case there is a disaster. Find out what should be in your bag.
There are many bug out bags for sale, but you need to make sure you get the right one for you. In this article we look at a few of the most popular.
Make sure you can get home in an emergency situation with a get home bag. A get home bag is specifically designed with the gear you will need to make it home.
Just the essentials. Make sure your survival pack contains these essential bug out bag items, otherwise you may be in trouble.
Get some great stocking stuffer ideas for that prepper, survivalist, or grown-up boy scout in your life!
Sandpiper of California (SOC) produces high quality backpacks, find out why they may produce the best bug out bags available.
Hi everybody! It’s that time again, so grab some popcorn and settle in – this week’s SignalSurvival blog post is comin’ at ya, hot and fresh off the presses. Actually, before we get into the meat and potatoes of this week’s entry, here’s a little secret for you all: While researching and writing these things … Continued
Did you guys hear about that PrepperCon in Utah last week? Preppers and survivalists from all over have hopped on the Comic Con bandwagon! They had exhibits on everything from tactical seat covers to personal Humvees, and the cast of AMC’s hit show THE WALKING DEAD made an appearance! How cool is that? People are … Continued
Are you someone who wants a bug out bag but doesn't know what should go in it? Don't worry, there are full bug out kits to get you started.
Survival weapons are used for food, safety and as a utility tool. This article is all about the options available for your bugout bag.
SOC Bags are built to last. No matter what you are looking for SOC has you covered. Here is a review of the top bags to choose from.
72 Hour Bags are designed to keep you safe and secure for 72 hours in case there is a disaster. Find out what should be in your bag.
There are many bug out bags for sale, but you need to make sure you get the right one for you. In this article we look at a few of the most popular.
Make sure you can get home in an emergency situation with a get home bag. A get home bag is specifically designed with the gear you will need to make it home.
Just the essentials. Make sure your survival pack contains these essential bug out bag items, otherwise you may be in trouble.
Get some great stocking stuffer ideas for that prepper, survivalist, or grown-up boy scout in your life!